

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 15: Leverage Short Focus Session to Build Your Business

BZ Podcast Review 15: Leverage Short Focus Session to Build Your Business

Key Takeaways

1. “Have no time to…” is just a crapy excuse. If one mom with 5 kids and one of which have special needs can start a business on the side, you can do that too.

2. Break each tasks into 1, 2, 3… 25-minute focus sessions. Use the app Pomodoro or Noisli to help you do those sessions. For me there are 4 sessions in the morning 10n sessions in the afternoon. Plus morning routine (6am-9am) and evening session (8:30pm-10pm)

3. Focus on things that can actually bring revenue/money back. Ask questions like “ How will this get me in front of the right people? How will this help me grown my business to where it supposed to be”. At the beginning of your business, majority of your time should be spent on getting those clients.

4. Every week, assign a 25 hours disconnect time (say Friday night to Saturday night), it is non-negotiable, which makes other thing negotiable. It also makes setting boundaries and negotiation with your client easier cause you have your priority right.

5. Attitude towards email: Treat your email with intimacy, treat it with genuine care and love. It is more important than subject line A/B testing. Think if you see someone you trust send you an email, you don’t care about the subject line, you will open it and act on it.

6. You own your time and you decide how to spend it. You have 168 hours a week. How do you spend it?

7. “If you knew the answer, what could it be?” - When you are stuck and don’t know what to do, ask this question to yourself.

8. When you make priority, say it out to see if it make sense. Say “ watch a movie is more important than study for an exam.” It just sounds wrong especially when you say it loud.


Pomodoro - A to-do list with timer and focus sessions

Noisli - A timer with background white noise to help you focus.

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

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