BZ Podcast Review 27: The Secret Framework for Growing Your Business While Working Less with Kevin Harrington
Key Takeaways
1. Sales is the most noble thing if you do it right.
2. Hope is not a strategy. If you don’t know how to sell, you just got an expensive hobby.
3. PPP: Product- Purpose- Passion
4. There are so many rational people who are super good at reasoning but sometime you may just need to be irrational and go out there, totally allow to lose yourself in the things you are trying to do. Be a ‘maniac’.
Four Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Made:
Mistake #1: Battle between confidence and guru credibility
Kevin: It depends on which stage you are in your business. At the beginning before you are established you need the confidence to do the work, from which you get from the credibility. Do the work and let the work speak for yourself. All the doors closed to you will open afterwards. Get credibility from the confidence.
Mistake #2: Acquiring customers
Kevin: If you have a limiting belief that you have no customers. It is not true because nowadays customers are everywhere. Try different channels to acquire them and then focus on increasing the LTV
Tom Ziglar: The power is in the process. If you have a process and you can rely on the process. The process takes the pressure off the person.
Mistake #3: Running away from the word ‘No’
Kevin: No - means they are able to make a decision. They are the decision makers. Provide them with the new information and turn that ‘No’ into a ‘Yes’
Mistake #4: Selling past the close
Kevin: On the way to the door, you do a quick summary to make sure they want to sell and there is no more concern. They you just leave and no more talking. Finish up and move on.
Mark: Selling past the close is because you lack that confidence. The confident salesman have this kind of silent sales and know when to sell and when to stop.
Three Secrets Framework:
Secrets #1: SOS mastery framework
Mindset - Sinking thinking won’t happen. You cannot really achieve greatness alone.
Money - Money is the most important thing in life but it is close the importance of Oxygen in the need spectrum
Momentum - Prime the pump
Secret #2: Nothing happens until You make a Sale
Sales is the most noble professional there is and sales build the country.
“If we lost the war, our enemy gonna hang my head over the wall, they may hang yours as well. Are you in?” - President’s Sales Speech
Most entrepreneurs only know 1-2 close. It can take 7 touches before closing a deal.
1902 close - the value they are getting instead of selling something new
Probability close
Silent close
Character close
Secret #3: There are four futures and only You get to choose.
Status Quo - You think you are staying put but the river is moving around you
I am good enough - Success is gonna be slow for you
I got this - This is good . -What will happen if you do nothing
Mastery - What happen if you master this. Plan, Prepare, Execute, Expect. (You don’t have to get perfect but you need to get it going. A lot people get stuck in the planning and prepare stage, you are going to execute)
Mark Timm
Launched 12 business, 7 of them he is able to exit them and one of them is 8 figures
Forgot about the framework that get you there from the beginning when you reach certain stage and then you lost sights
Remember the basics
“If you aim for nothing, you will hit it anytime”
Constantly engage with the audience and ask them to say things on the chat
Kevin Harrington
Original Shark from Shark Tank
You need to learn the system of selling