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BZ Podcast Review 26: Ten Roadblocks to A Successful Life

BZ Podcast Review 26: Ten Roadblocks to A Successful Life

Key Takeaways

1. Selfishness and greed. It takes more than your talent and the self-serving mindset to make it in the long run. Share the love and you will feel you live a mindset of abundance.

2. Laziness. Laziness equals to the force of average. If you want to be average, be lazy and stick to what you are. If not, get up and make the changes. Lazy people take the road with least resistance. e.g. getting up on Sunday and watch Netflix all day. Successful people challenge themselves and grind. They get things done and make those positive changes about their life. Work smart but also work hard!

3. Disrespect of time. Time does not ask for permission. It does not ask if it is okay to start or stop. It just does what it always does: it keeps on ticking. If you disrespect time, you may just run out of it one day. As in the movie <Bucket List> , you should use your most valuable asset (time) to do what is most important to you. If you want your day or week to be great, plan it out beforehand.

4. Lack of vision. Vision should be something that you can put it into writing and others can make a run about it. If there is no clarity, there is no dominance. Nowadays, the world around you is like a weapon of massive distraction. If you want to make it, you are going to have to focus!

5. Devaluing people. Most people have others in their lives or in their business just because they need them, But when you start to realize who they are, that’s when they dig deep and fight for you. Respect is a two way street. you need to respect people and also gain and demand respect from others.

6. Self-doubt. The greatest battle you’re going to fight is between your two ears. Quitters are always gonna remind you of self-doubt. The quitter in you is always going to be there, but at least make it pay rent by doing the opposite of what it’s telling you to do. You are in battle with then quitter inside you, in the end, there is gonna be only one standing. Make sure that is you.

7. Lack of resourcefulness. People normally focus on what they don’t have in their life as capital, connection, resources and then they quit. Instead you should be looking at that you have in your life. Be resourceful

8. Not being Strategic. You can do something does not mean you have to do it. Be strategic and make sure they are in light with what you want to achieve in work and life. Because when you say yes to something, you are saying no to many other things you could do with that time.

9. Unwillingness to adapt. Basic theory of Darwin Evolution Theory says you need to adapt in order to survive. It is true in the wildlife and it is true in the modern world.

10. Not being coachable. You need mentors in your life to tell you things you need to hear. Big earners are also big learners.


Words of Wisdom

Win tomorrow today, win the week on Sunday
The quitter is always gonna be there at your best and worst. At least make it pay rent. Make it pay rent by doing the oppositive of what it’s telling you to do.
— Frankie Lane
— 朱熹
Sed purus sem, scelerisque ac rhoncus eget, porttitor nec odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
— 杜甫
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