

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 18: Be Bold to Build Your Business

BZ Podcast Review 18: Be Bold to Build Your Business

Key Takeaways

1. Boldness and guts - two of the most important things when it comes to build your business. You have to have humanity and have to be bold.

2. Go expensive on people and go cheap on commodity

3. If you are building a business, you cannot be abstract, you have to be concrete

4. Try spending the whole night praying, you may find your AH-HA moment

5. You can be an entrepreneur in many different ways

  • Start your own company

  • Intrapreneur - Becoming an entrepreneur within your organization

  • Own your own development, treat yourself as a company. Develop your skills and your skills are your future assets

6. Understand what you are good at and what you are normally suck at

7. Have to be a specialist in certain area!

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

BZ Book Review 12: <Micromastery> by Robert Twigger

BZ Book Review 12: <Micromastery> by Robert Twigger

BZ Book Review 11: &lt;Minimalism&gt; by Joshua Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus

BZ Book Review 11: <Minimalism> by Joshua Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus