

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 14: From Night Club Promoter to Charity CEO, Two Spectrum of Life

BZ Podcast Review 14: From Night Club Promoter to Charity CEO, Two Spectrum of Life

Key Takeaways

1. Something once you see it, you cannot unsee it. The impact you get from seeing people who don’t have access to clean water, electricity or a doctor (all those we take for granted) is profound.

2. You can have a ‘good’ life. However you should think about what kind of legacy are you leaving behind? a meaningful or a meaningless one.

3. The death of . one person is a tragedy, The death of one million is a statistic. Sometime, people don’t relate to numbers. Tell them the story they can relate.

4. Sad statistics about people’s perception of charity - 42% of Americans surveyed by USA Today stated that they don’t try Charity and 70% of candidates surveyed by New York University believe charity they donate wasted their money. Here, Scott Harrison’s organization - Thirst have three ‘basic’/’innovative’ ways to address those.

  • Make sure 100% of the money they donated goes to the use they are supposed to. They even made up the transaction fees from their own pockets.

  • Have two bank accounts, telling people what exactly they have done with their money. Show them the impact they have brought instead of simply going back every year for more money.

  • Work with local partners who know the issues better

5. The determination to not compromise the charity’s integrity by mis-using or ‘borrow’ a penny from the charity funds is really impressive to me. He rather folded the company and carries out what he promised to the public who trusted him and gave him the money than ‘borrow’ money from the charity account to save the company.

6. Embrace action over empathy.

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

BZ Podcast Review 15: Leverage Short Focus Session to Build Your Business

BZ Podcast Review 15: Leverage Short Focus Session to Build Your Business

BZ Podcast Review 13: Get Seen, Heard and Paid More for Simply Being More of You!

BZ Podcast Review 13: Get Seen, Heard and Paid More for Simply Being More of You!