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BZ Podcast Review 13: Get Seen, Heard and Paid More for Simply Being More of You!

BZ Podcast Review 13: Get Seen, Heard and Paid More for Simply Being More of You!

Key Takeaways

1. The only thing that differentiate a great brands is their story - that is what matters!

2. Having a brand is important because your audience assigns meaning to your products or service. It shows that a moment or a feeling was created between your brand and an audience or a potential customer that makes them feel a certain way.

  • If you are in the service industry, pay more attention on your personal branding

  • If you are in consumer industry, pay more attention to your product/company branding

3. When you tell a story, you connect with your audience more, especially with those who have a similar stories as yours.

4. Definition of marketing: it is simply the psychology of human consumption and applying the triggers, messages and action to test what will be consumed by any particular audience. Then you will have your target audience and corresponding message, You create a brand in the process as well.

5. Jennifer’s 5-step master branding strategies:

(1) Understand your archetype - the ascent and soul. Understand the FEBE (Front End and Backend), it allows you tell your story better. Mix of archetype: Dominant archetype, intrinsic and intuitive archetype.

(2) Know your audience. Test and find out people who assign meaning to your product and service.

(3) Aesthetics. Visual, language and content. Visual Identity

(4) Activation. Entrepreneur need to take actions. The machine that carries your archetype to the audience. Like FB, Instagram, youtube… Pick your activation machine that fits.

(5) Amplification. Courage, Ownership and Attitude. - You need to be consistent.

Bonus Techniques:

Interview Technique: ask the interviewee to (1) Tell the audience something that people normally don’t know about them. - This helps create connections between the audience and the interviewee through their stories/ (2) Ask the interviewee at the beginning of the interview to give a teaser about what is going to happen through the entire process - it is like an agenda for the podcast interview.

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

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