

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 19: How to Sell Better & Won't Make People Hate You

BZ Podcast Review 19: How to Sell Better & Won't Make People Hate You

Key Takeaways

1. Focus on the words you are using. Clean up your language.

  • Get rid of the ugh, ah. Make every sentence and every words you say matter

  • Use desire words to replace threaten words such a using want, desire, enjoy, love to replace must, have to…

2. Persuasion vs. Influence

  • Persuasion is forceful

  • Influence is a way to make your audience feel like that they come to the conclusion by themselves and it is their decision to do business with you.

3. Ask Discovery Questions to uncover your customers’ Dominate Buying Motive. Don’t overload them with features they don’t need, cause people don’t want to pay for something that they won’t use.

4. Sales is all about psychology. Understand the 25 cognitive biases will be helpful.

5. F.O.R.D. - Techniques to quickly build relationship. People like to talk about themselves. If you come out of a conversation that you talked about 100 words and the other party talked about 1000. They will like you.

  • Family - Ask them about their family, where they from, siblings, their childhood stories..

  • Occupation - What they do and their career path, is there anything they do on the side…

  • Recreation - hobbies and what they like doing…

  • Dream - Where they want to end up, what is their ultimate goal in life…

6. A typical sales process

(1) Give them two choice questions and make the default answer to be the one you wanted. (make them think it is their decision to choose that one)

(2) Make sure to get them to say that the money they pay is not much by showing the revenue the product or service could bring. Relatively the cost is the small amount. Make them say that

(3) Make them understand using credit as debt to buy this product or service is difference from purchasing commercial goods. it is an investment such as an investment property.

7. Put Impact as one of KPIs. When you do your quarterly review, you can check how much impact you have made on the time base.


25 cognitive biases - Michael Simons

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

BZ Book Review 13: <Selfie> by Will Storr

BZ Book Review 13: <Selfie> by Will Storr

BZ Book Review 12: &lt;Micromastery&gt; by Robert Twigger

BZ Book Review 12: <Micromastery> by Robert Twigger