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BZ Book Review 08: <The Introverted Leader> by Jennifer Kahnaweiler

BZ Book Review 08: <The Introverted Leader> by Jennifer Kahnaweiler

What constitutes a leader and who is better suited for a leadership position?

While a leader is someone who leads, coaches and directs their team, participate in business negotiation with partners and represent their company in a positive way in every occasion (at least try to).

It sounds like a perfect job description for an intelligent extrovert since they are normally eloquent and assertive, and enjoy attention and the spotlight.

However, it turns out many highly successful leaders are introverts but their way of getting there is never easy.

Before go into the journey of those successful stories, let’s do a extravert and introvert comparison first.


  • direct their attention inside and focus on their thoughts

  • recharge style: recover through quiet environment

  • communication style: reserved, prefer listening than talking. Pond ideas thoroughly before they speak


  • active, social and focus on external environment

  • recharge style: energized by social interaction

  • communication style: outspoken and decisive

Key Takeaways

1. Introverts’ keen listening and observing skills could make them great leaders

  • Obtain great information about his/her teams and their needs

  • Build rapport with customers and superiors

2. Networking: extroverts prefer small talks while introverts prefer in-depth conversation. Introverts will do well in the following scenarios

  • Online networking though writing

  • One-on-one conversations

  • Communication with other introverts

3. Preparation and practice are the best tactics for introverts (anyone)

  • Prepare small talks before hand so they will not avoid you

  • Practice small talks and public speaking regularly

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BZ Podcast Review 11: The Third Door... An Alternative Approach to Things Successful People Try All The Time

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