

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Book Review 04: <606 days without a lease> by Chenyu Zheng

BZ Book Review 04: <606 days without a lease> by Chenyu Zheng

Key Takeaways

1. Know who you are and always stay true to yourself. You may get hiccups now and then. But eventually it will work out and you will have no regrets.

2. Find your position in life

  • Tennis Ball - This represents your passion, what you like to do

  • Circle - You are always the average of 5 people you spend the most time with

  • 30,000 days - That is the estimation of your life expectancy. Make every decision count and make every day count.

3. Making the experience with Airbnb more meaningful

  • Schedule meetings or events with hosts - making breakfast together, coffee, hiking, milking goat.., integrate yourself into the owner’s life organically

  • be spontaneous and dare to try new things with the owner

4. Experience living in the tree house

When I touch a tree, the memory of me living in the forest all come back to me, living in the tree house gives me energy, it is kind of recharge and meditation

  • Inspiration from daughter: Be a kind person to the world

  • Inspiration from wife: There is no set path about life, follow your heart

5. Keep a travel diary to keep track of my travel journey, interesting things, learning from the owners or owner interview. thoughts that come to me alone the way. Enjoy sharing my story with the world.


6. Black Rock Desert

To make your dream into a reality, the first step is to figure out what you want; the next step is to simplify my communication and ask for it. If you experienced success once, you will become more and more confident.

  • Let go the fear of rejection

  • Confidence is built on the top of success

  • Know what you want and ask for it

Courage is to make it happen you are scared inside.

To a lot of people, dream stops at dreaming. They forgot Doing is the mean to the end.

When I see a dream job description, a lot of people will be scared off by the requirement or tried but failed. I will print it down and use it as a guideline to improve my skills.

10 rules of FireMan

  • 绝对包容 - Radical Inclusion

  • 无条件给予 - Gifting

  • 去商品化 - Decommodification

  • 自力更生 - Radical Self-reliance

  • 自我表达 - Radical Self-expression

  • 有社区精神 - Communal Effort

  • 承担公民责任 - Civic Responsibility

  • 不留痕迹 - Leaving No Trace

  • 积极参与 - Participation

  • 活在当下 - Immediacy

7. Importance of Breakfast

  • It is not only what you eat, it is the process of preparation, layout and ingredients you are using that make breakfast to have a sense of ceremony.

  • Satisfaction of our stomach not only comes from food itself, it is also affected by the decoration, environment, taste and desire.

  • Bullet proof coffee is inspired by the Chinese Suyoucha 酥油茶

  • 有烟火气的家是两个陌生人相处更好的场景

  • Something has always been there. They are meaningful only when you start to pay attention to them 很多东西一直在身边,只有当我们专心注意时,才有意义

8. People all have their own way of living

  • Having conversations with myself means that I will never be alone or feel lack of something. That is where I get my power.

  • 人生的四个阶段-浮躁,淡定,从容,高贵 (with enough experience in life, you should not be surprised by many things that in life)

  • <1000 Places to see before you die>

  • 我信奉达尔文的适者生存理论,也就明白了他为什么如此用力的去生活

  • 行万里路不如阅人无数 It is more enlightening to meet people than just mindless walk around.

  • 我母亲告诉我,只有你能读懂菜谱,你就懂得烹饪 My mom told me that you can cook if you can read the recipes

  • 若你感到不舒服,意味着你会学到更多;若你感到害怕,那正是机会降临的时刻。if you feel uncomfortable, that means you will learn more from that experience; if you feel scared, that means you will have an opportunity.

  • 工作只是定义人的一个维度,可能是限制了我们看待陌生人的角度。 Don’t just ask what they do. It is just part of their life. Ask more depth questions.

  • 互相欣赏是爱的保鲜剂 - Mutual appreciation

  • 热爱生活的人总是让你感觉每天都是阳光明媚

  • Everything you need is within you

  • 做中美文化的桥梁,那就要对自己的文化足够了解,有足够的热情

  • 如何体现一件事的重要性?那就是把它变成一种仪式。

  • 相逢的人会再相逢

9. People is what important during this journey

  • 有人用交友网站交友,有人用Linkedin建立社交关系,我用airbnb去寻找没有功利心的友谊

  • 去做别人想做却没有时间或勇气去做的事情

  • 了解一个地方最好的方式就是住在真正热爱这个街区的人的家里. The best way to get to know a community is to live in the home of people who love this community.


10. Be the owner of your own life

A 7-10 day trip, I will pick hosts with 2-3 different background, jobs in order for me to learn about a city more thoroughly

自律才能更自由 - John Gretton Willink

What to pack? it is better to have one luggage that could support you for a month of living and traveling




Dare ask for help, don’t fear rejection



Periodically review what is the initial thought of doing something. When you are derail from your original goal, try to adjust yourself




11. Tips about using airbnb

Prepare a little gift and thank you letter.

When the host treat you well, try to pay back

Exchange email and contacts with the hosts and in the future find time and opportunity to do things together like hiking, having dinner, and looking after their pets.

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1000 Places To Visit Before You Die

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