

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 29: Public Speaking as a Marketing Strategy

BZ Podcast Review 29: Public Speaking as a Marketing Strategy

Key Takeaways

1. There are two major reasons why people won’t leverage public speaking as a major marketing strategy: Fear and Ignorance.

2. Speaking is important to get your message out and help your audience get your story. It could also be a 6-figure and 7-figure opportunity to get your brand out there.

3. Y.A.M. is a formula to prepare for public speaking - Know Yourself. Know your Audience; and Know you Message.

  • Know yourself. Understand that nerve is from inside and it is because you are living in the future,. Focus on now. You will feel better.

  • Know your audience. Understand it is not about you, it is about the. Know that they get nervous too and the top three questions in their mind

    • who are you? (do i like this guy, is he relatable)

    • who are you to tell me? (you need to establish your credibility)

    • what is in for me? (you need to provide value and make them want more)

4. Gifted speakers are born and Effective speakers are made.

5. Common mistakes people make when they are selling on stage.

  • Audience. Make sure you are in front of the buyers and right audience

  • Poor delivery. You need to be confident, and determined and enthusiastic about what you are selling

  • Hard-sell from stage. You need to make sure you educate and deliver value

  • Lack of follow-up. Follow up within 24 hours. It is like you are networking.

6. Speaking is the new competitive advantage. It is a business skill. It is a soft-skill that has hard bottom-line results.


7. Practical skills

  • Focus on one talk, and make it your signature talk.

  • Find three people in the audience to focus on, one from the left, one in the middle and one from the right. For the entire public speak session focus on them.

8. Heart, head, hands and then back to heart. Be both ordinary (relatable) and extraordinary (credibility). Make your point with both data and stories to appeal

  • For the first 15 mins connect with their heart, show the real you, if you are funny, be funny. If you like to dance, dance a little, if you like to talk about your family do that. Help them see that you are an ordinary person.

  • Connect with their head. Show them your credibility and tell them you are ordinary and extraordinary as well because you are following the process you are teaching today

  • Call to Action. give them something that they can immediately get their hands on.

  • Circle back to close the loop to connect with their hearts.

Quote and Monologue of the Month - March 2019

Quote and Monologue of the Month - March 2019

BZ Book Review 20: <Solve for Happy> by Mo Gawdat

BZ Book Review 20: <Solve for Happy> by Mo Gawdat