

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 03: Start Social Media Marketing Right by Picking the Right Platform

BZ Podcast Review 03: Start Social Media Marketing Right by Picking the Right Platform

Key Takeaways

1. Let your data tell you what to do. Is 5000 views(impressions) on facebook better than 500 views on Youtube? Check a level deeper to see interactions and conversations

2. Fight for attentions - Instant dopamine boost from scrolling instagrams, vine, or facebook vs. passive lean back enjoyment such as binge watching Netflix, Hulu or HBO. General trend of people’s preference swing left to right from time to time.

  • Some recommendations if you choose the latter for passive enjoyment. You can learn something about business and strategies at the same time.

    • Undercover Boss

    • The Profits

    • Shark Tank

    • Survivor

3. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook - You should get people to listen, watch and read more. The more they do that, the more you can share your product or service. Give them what they want without actively selling or calling to action all the time. Giving value can help create those loyalists, which would be your best channel - REFERRAL.

4. How to choose the right platform and draw the right audience

  • Who is your target audience and how do they normally get content from

  • What kind of contents (within your comfort zone, even better if it is your strength) can you produce consistently

  • Everyone has idle time. Nobody is busy all the time (at least most of us). We can either fill it with jib-jabs or knowledge

5. Check out Alexa Flash Briefing

Social Media Marketing

What do Social Media Examiner Do?

Social Media Examiner(SME) provides a large pool of social media marketing resources to help business of all sizes to discover how to best leverage different social channels to connect with customers, drive traffic and increase sales. A firm belief of the founder Michael Stelzner is that “ If marketers openly shared what worked with social media, business could thrive”. Every month SME create their research on how marketers are using social media and how influencers make money through various social channels.

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

BZ Book Review 01: <Learn Better> by Ulrich Boser

BZ Book Review 01: <Learn Better> by Ulrich Boser

Real Estate Investing: How Do I Calculate My Returns?

Real Estate Investing: How Do I Calculate My Returns?