

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 30: Get Free PR and How Writers Write

BZ Podcast Review 30: Get Free PR and How Writers Write

Key Takeaways

1. You need to have different angles for a startup (e.g. EOFIRE) to get free PR. Here are a couple of examples

  • The struggle of entrepreneurs of an early-stage startups in podcasting.

  • Talk about the things John been doing before EOFire and the transition process, showing that ordinary people can make it.

  • From the audience perspective, how listening to the podcast change their father-son relationship…

Pitch the media with one idea and pivot if they don’t click.

2. Three key steps

  • Know your angle

  • Know your audience

  • Pick up the phone (where 99% of the people fail) The big tip is to literally pick up the phone. You just have to resist the urge to dive into email.

3. Remember you are doing the media a favor by giving them some great stories. You are also doing yourself a favor by sharing your stories. Every single journalist woke up this morning thinking about what they are going to write about today. Help them out.

4. Don’t try to land the biggest outlet, try to get covered first in small, monthly magazines.

5. Call a photographer and offer a good photo story for them. They are all going to take your call, and they are all going to want to cover that photo story.


6. . You don’t have to write for everyone, you will feel overwhelmed that way. Just focus on writing for the 10 people you know.

7. Remove 7 out of the 10 points rating. you will have 8-10, and 1-6 to see how people really feel. Make this small change, you will see the differences.

8. Two is one and one is none. When prepare for interviews, always prepare a backup recorder

9. You can sit here doing nothing or writing. But you cannot do anything else. As a writer, you have the permission to not write but you don’t have the permission to use that writing time to do other things.

Credited to: EOFire, Tim Ferris

BZ Podcast Review 31: Get More Done with Less Working Hours

BZ Podcast Review 31: Get More Done with Less Working Hours

Quote and Monologue of the Month - March 2019

Quote and Monologue of the Month - March 2019