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BZ Podcast Review 06: Build Your Mind Palace and Create Reality In Your Subconcious

BZ Podcast Review 06: Build Your Mind Palace and Create Reality In Your Subconcious

Key Takeaways

1. There are all kinds of limiting beliefs we have formed along the way of our growth. The way to break free from them is to do a lot of emotional intelligence work and go to the origin where they are formed. Release them and be the amazing artist you are supposed to be.

2. Whydentify=Why + Identify. Do some self-discovery and find out the whydentify that will springboard you of the bed in the morning. Successful people live with kind urgency, we only have about 30,000 days on earth, make it count. If you ask ‘Why’ more, there will be less ‘vague’ in your life.

3. Don’t feed your body junk food, don’t feed your mind with negative thoughts; Psychological inflammation is real. Intentionally eat healthy and feed positive emotions to your mind.

4. Be more purposeful during our dream (Lucid dream). Focus and set the right intention before going to bed. You can build your mind palace and turn your dreams into the most educational space and creative space you have. “The more you wake up in dream time, the more you wake up in reality. You become awake”

5. Meditation could help you get more done in 2 weeks than most people do in a year. It can help you get more done before 9am than most of the people do all day.

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

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