

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

Millionaire to-do List

Millionaire to-do List

1. Invest At Least 10% Of Your Income In Yourself. The number 1 investment must be yourself

2. Invest At Least 80% Of Your “Off” Time Into Learning. Your input directly translates to your output. Garbage in, garbage out.

3. Don’t Work For Money, Work To Learn. Only 20% of your time should spend on working, the rest should all go to learning new things and resting. Your time is spent well because your priorities are clear, you’re well-rested, and your mind is stimulated.

4. Don’t Learn For Entertainment, Learn To Create More Value.

“The key secret to success is not excessive expertise, but the ability to use it.Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied”-Max Lukominskyi

5. Invest At Least 10% Of Your Income Into Vehicles That Will Generate More Money. The purpose of making money is to invest that money. Get the snowball/compounding effect going

6. Shift Your Motivation From Getting To Giving.

The world gives to the givers and takes from the takers” - Joe Polish

7. Openly Acknowledge How Dependent You Are On Other People.

Self-made is an illusion. There are many people who played divine roles in you having the life that you have today. Be sure to let them know how grateful you are.” - Michael Fishman

8. Create Win-Win Strategic Partnerships To Achieve 10X or 100X Goals.

“All failed companies are the same: they failed to escape competition.” — Peter Thiel

Go for long term transformational relationship over transactional ones

9. Set 10X Goals and Face Your Fears. Set extreme goals, we may not achieve it but we will achieve excellence on the way there.

10. Get Really Really Good At Marketing. Marketing is the HOW to whatever you do.

11. Don’t Focus On Time And Effort, Focus On Results Instead. If you focus on time and efforts, you will find yourself being busy and proud of it. If you focus on results, you will find yourself to be effective.

12. Shift Your Environments Regularly. You should batch the work you do into different environment so even you are tired of working on one thing when you shift environment it is like hitting the reset button. You are energetic and resourceful again in doing the second task.

13. Define “Wealth” And “Success” For Yourself. Money is only a mean to an end. It is important but it is not the destination. You need to define what “wealth” and “success” mean to you.

14. Know and Operate From Your Deepest “Why”. Go into this chain of thoughts dig deep to find out why certain things are import to you to the root cause.

15. Have A Firm Stand, It Becomes Your Brand. To be successful, you must believe in something and have a stand. Don’t be the ‘Nice’ person. Be the person people turn to for directions.

“Start With Why, people don’t buy what you sell, they buy why you sell it.” - Simon Sinek

Words of Wisdom

The greatest reward in becoming a millionaire is not the amount of money that you earn. It is the kind of person that you have to become to become a millionaire.
— Jim Rohn
BZ Podcast Review 07: What if... Counterfactual Thinking and Its Impact on Our Life

BZ Podcast Review 07: What if... Counterfactual Thinking and Its Impact on Our Life

BZ Podcast Review 06: Build Your Mind Palace and Create Reality In Your Subconcious

BZ Podcast Review 06: Build Your Mind Palace and Create Reality In Your Subconcious