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BZ Podcast Review 07: What if... Counterfactual Thinking and Its Impact on Our Life

BZ Podcast Review 07: What if... Counterfactual Thinking and Its Impact on Our Life

Key Takeaways

Definition of Counterfactual Thinking

It is a psychology phenomenon that people create possible alternatives for something that already happened. Something is that on the contrary of what has happened. It normally involves a lot of “what if…” or “If only had I …”

Four triggers for Counterfactual Thinking

  1. Clear bad outcome or the result is negative or short of expectation

  2. Something happened that is out of the ordinary or unusual

  3. You can see yourself play an important role in it

  4. You can draw direct connection between the consequence with the thing you did or did not do. The cause and effect are close in nature.

Impact of Counterfactual Thinking

Counterfactual Thinking could be painful. People could stuck in the past and trapped in a loop. However it also could be very helpful. It is lessons learnt and can provide great reference for the future.

It normally happens when something bad or under-expectation happens. Counterfactual thinking help simulate other pathway to give people control and agency. It could induce behavior changes

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