

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Book Review 13: <Selfie> by Will Storr

BZ Book Review 13: <Selfie> by Will Storr

Key Takeaways

1. We pay attention to and model ourselves on popular and successful individuals. Our brain subconsciously pick out potential cultural leaders by looking at ‘cues’ indicating success. Status symbol matters.

2. We not only reply on our own perception, but also mimic other people’s reaction. Attention generates more attention. This is the “Paris Hilton effect”

3. High-esteem does make up perform better in some situations but also make us narcissistic.

4. The culture of selfie strengths individualism in this internet-driven world.

5. The internet pile-on and shaming culture teach our children as well us that we cannot make mistakes.

6. It also affects how we get self-value. We are constantly seeking social proof.

Marketing Analytics: How to Identify, Acquire and Activate New Customers

Marketing Analytics: How to Identify, Acquire and Activate New Customers

BZ Podcast Review 19: How to Sell Better &amp; Won't Make People Hate You

BZ Podcast Review 19: How to Sell Better & Won't Make People Hate You