

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 22: Time Cleansing - From Time Management to Time Performance

BZ Podcast Review 22: Time Cleansing - From Time Management to Time Performance

Key Takeaways

1. Time Management is based on the fact that time is scarce and limited. When we shift to “Time Performance”, we create a positive relationship with time.

2. You have a “time type”

Type I: Watchdog - the person that’s on time, early, values time and who is very structured with time.

Type II: Time lounger - the person who gets caught in time, does not show up on time, but they value being in the present moment and time gets away.

3. Multi-tasking is not very effective in general. However if you have to do it, do it the right way.

  • Be aware. Be aware you are doing multi-tasking that your IQ may goes down by 10%. Doing mindfully multi-tasking to shift your awareness.

  • Pick activities that are not high value and similar to do

  • Set a timer

4. Tricks to improve your performance during any given work hour

  • “Timefulness” - being present in the moment

  • Turn all notifications off

  • Set an inspiring work environment

  • Cluster similar activities

  • Designate a time when you check all your emails

  • Rest after work, this will help you recharge.

5. How do we utilized the limited hours we have in a day to do things that is really important to us.

  • Realize what’s important and commit to it

  • Recognize where you spend your time

  • Ask yourself” Is this contributing ro or contaminating my happiness and success”, remove all the bad

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

BZ Podcast Review 23: Make More and Save More as an Entrepreneur and Influencer

BZ Podcast Review 23: Make More and Save More as an Entrepreneur and Influencer

BZ Podcast Review 21: Are You Happy? Find Work and Life Alignment

BZ Podcast Review 21: Are You Happy? Find Work and Life Alignment