

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Book Review 05: <Thinking in Bets> by Annie Duke

BZ Book Review 05: <Thinking in Bets> by Annie Duke

Key Takeaways

1. Human minds have the tendency to mix quality of decision and outcomes. For example, when a strategic move (which is good decision) did not generate the outcome expected (such as winning the market), people think that decision is bad. However good decision can result in bad outcomes and bad decisions can somehow end up well. The results do not justify the decision is good or bad.

2. Beliefs are easy to form but hard to change. When we believe in something, we tent to re-enforce it with motivated reasoning. “Wanna bet?” is a good solution. Give a bet value on that belief will force you to seek more objective information to make sure your don’t lose that bet.

3. Self-serving bias:

  • To ourselves: attribute good outcome to our skills and hard work, attribute bad ones to luck

  • To others: attribute good outcome to their luck; attribute bad ones to decisions

To become more objective, we need to change our habit: cue-> routine-> reward (change the routine and leave the other alone) e.g. winning a bet -> good skills -> I am a great poker player; change it to winning a bet -> a mix of play hard and be able to analyze mistakes and luck -> I am a great poker player.

To become more objective and improve our decision making, it will help if we belong to certain group (objective ones and keep you on your toe).

4. Make better decisions for our future self by

  • Image future outcome

  • 10-10-10 rule: if you make the decision like this, will you regret in 10 minute, 10 months, 10 years?

  • Start with the future that everything worked out, work backwards to find out what need to be done to achieve that results

  • Start with the future that everything did not work out, work backwards to find out what happened, What I missed in the process

Call To Action

Try combine positive visualization and mental contrasting to achieve positive outcomes

  • Positive Visualization: the scene when you achieve your goal, what is it like

  • Mental Contrasting: visualize all the obstacles that are trying to stop you from achieving your goal

e.g. when I become an expert in Machine Learning and AI, I will be able to do more interesting projects, take on new roles and participate in more depth discussion with my engineer friends

Watching TV-shows, getting constantly distracted, no deep work, no consistency; all those will stop you from becoming an expert or even start to learn.

BZ Book Review 06: &lt;Company of One&gt; by Paul Jarvis

BZ Book Review 06: <Company of One> by Paul Jarvis

BZ Podcast Review 08: Personalize Your Body Transformation Plan

BZ Podcast Review 08: Personalize Your Body Transformation Plan