

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 09: Be a Closer, Not a Salesman

BZ Podcast Review 09: Be a Closer, Not a Salesman

Key Takeaways

1. There is a huge difference between a salesperson and a closer. The closing call should not be a pleasant one. No pain and no sale. It is okay to say no to a prospect and don’t close the deal for just a quick commission.

2. The less you talk, the more you close

3. Say “Congratulations” instead of “Thank you” to prospects

4. Make the prospect call you will increase your chance of closing

5. The #1 skill of entrepreneur or any successful people is the ability to close.

6. As a close, you should aim for the win-win-win.

  • you make $5,000

  • you help your client make $50,000

  • your client is part of your portfolio as a success story and you make sure you learn from that experience

Credited to: JLD Entrepreneur on Fire

BZ Book Review 07: <Distracted Mind> by Adam Gazzaley

BZ Book Review 07: <Distracted Mind> by Adam Gazzaley

BZ Book Review 06: &lt;Company of One&gt; by Paul Jarvis

BZ Book Review 06: <Company of One> by Paul Jarvis