

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Travel Diary - My 50 States Experience

BZ Travel Diary - My 50 States Experience

Someone found it meaningless. Why do I care, right? I found it meaningful to myself and made it a new year resolution of 2019. Committing to it and step by step, by 09/07/2019, I completed my journey to all 50 states.

1. New Jersey

Morey's Piers NJ

I started my journey in New Jersey/ New York, doing a summer intern. First time out of Hong Kong, a group of us 18-year-old came to the U.S. for a minimum-paying job, just to have the so-called American-dream experience. It was a hot summer, we got screwed by a taxi driver and landlord. However, we did not seem to care. Being careless was fun at that time.

I remember, a bunch of teenagers live happily together, making minimum wages but happy about it. Some of us try to find a second shift to increase the pay, some of us rather spend the time travelling, shopping or making memories.

I remember, the free pizza and waffles my friends brought back from the restaurants they work at.

I remember, the delicious Chinese food my fiend prepared, which made us feel more like home in this foreign country.

I remember experiencing the diversity of this lovely country.

I remember Katy Perry’s songs in repeat….

I remember it was a great summer.

2. Pennsylvania

Philly Cheesesteak

Philly Cheesesteak - I just remember it was good but forgot how it tastes now. I guess I have to go back and try it again in Philadelphia.

Atlantic City - Vegas on the east coast. It was also the first time I learnt that Donald Trump, this reality star of the show Apprentice which I enjoyed watching at that time, who built the Taj Mahal Casino. It is pretty funny at that time. Do you know what’s even funnier? He is the current president of the United States. What a dramatic turnout.

Another thing I learnt is that when there is a casino, there is great shopping. Atlantic City has a lot of outlets where I found out for the first time in person that things are really cheap here compared to Asia. Funny. people make more money but enjoy cheaper stuff. (food was not cheap though)

3. New York

New York

It was my first time to New York City during that summer. We did all those homework on where to go, planed the routes carefully - even marked all the bus schedule and subway routes, checked out all the famous places of interests - Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Museums and Broadways.

Walking was the best and cheapest transportation. We were young, we were poor but we want to experience it all. Nothing seems too far away. We did not think too much about consequences. At least I did not. All I knew was that I will regret if I did not do it.

Another trip was planned with the company to go to Niagara Falls. Best memory from that is that we took a great photo from under the Falls, which won a great prize later on. That could be another interesting story to tell that how I win that.

Later I came to New York several times and it was one of my favourite cities. Syracuse was okay. I drove 7 hours in snow once so that is something to remember it for. Now I have several friends settled down in the area. More reasons for me to come and visit.

4,5. DC. Maryland and Virginia


DC - first trip to DC, I only remember riding a lot of buses and visited a lot of museums. The second trip was with my parents. I remember having a lot of fun taking photos of my mom. Mom had a great time. I did as well. Dad was okay with that trip as I remembered.

Driving around DC and the two surrounding states, I remember passing many interesting buildings. e.g. Prison in the city centre - Ironic but make a little sense after I heard the story. “Why keep criminals in one of the best parts of the city?” “Let them know outside is so much better than inside, there are so many things going on but none is related to you.” From that story, what I learnt is that never committing a crime otherwise all people including those psychologists and architects will work together against you, lol.

6. Nevada


Las Vegas - I am not a person who like gambling. My impression with Vegas for my first time was more on the tasting menu of coca-cola, our trip to the grand canyon (the glass bridge) and our little disagreement during the trip.

We were kids, we argue. It is normal. Now thinking of it, I cannot help smile at those lovely memories.

After that, I came to LV pretty regularly. why? because it is a fun place to be even if you don’t like gambling. So many stories and memories here. People say what happened in Vegas stay in Vegas. But I brought all those memories back with me. From that, I guess I did win something.

  • Buffet of the buffets (24 hours of eating non-stop)

  • Concerts and shows (Celine Dion was amazing and my mom loves her)

  • Clubbing is fun but losing your DL is not (fun road trip overall)

7. California


At the end of that internship, I flew across the country and came to Los Angelos. Thinking about all those good movies, knowing it is the hometown of Kobe Bryant, LA is the place I must go during my first trip to the US. Strangely I did not remember much about either star walks or Kobe, what I still can recall clearly is the hotel I booked named “龙门客栈,which reminds me of the famous Chinese movie. It took some gut to live in a place with that name if you have watched that movie. But I remember the breakfast pancakes were so great. It may be the first time I had pancakes and it was a fun summer.

Next time that I came to the States is 4 years later. Californian was my first stop and now a place I am proudly called home. California has so much to offer - San Francisco and the entire Bay Area, San Diego, Yosemite, Tahoe, Russian River, Santa Cruz, Napa Valley or even my backyard… You need to experience yourself to see the beauty in everything and accepting the flaws. I remember watching a lot of movies with Jackie Chan in San Francisco. Now I live here. Life is amazing, right?

8. Hawaii


Graduation trip with my parents. We went to Honolulu. Remembering I bought a scarf for mom, which she loves a lot. Another fun but the scary experience was me being a tour guide to lead a tour of 20 Chinese tourists plus my parents to take flight since the actual tour guide was assigned to another plane with other visitors. Well, it was my time to step up and I did. That was the fun part. The scary part was that on our way back to California after the plane took off. There was a lot of smoke in the cabin. Luckily it was right after we took off so we went back. I did not have the heart to wake my parents. So when they waked up and asked me if we were home already. I said not yet. we will stay another day. I took them shopping as it was no big deal. But I remember it clearly and I don’t want them to experience that. Luckily I am not traumatized by taking flights.

Years later I came back to Maui for one of my best friend’s wedding. Lovely reception and great ceremony and after-party. Kudos to those two for picking such a lovely resort. Another good thing about wedding is that you make a lot of new friends in that happy atmosphere.

Have you tried working remotely in Hawaii? Give it a go and it is fun.I stopped on the highway with my takeout lunch for an-hour conference call. Not complaining at all. It is just that I happened to stop at the whale watching spot and loved that view. Did I mentioned that I was the backup groomsman for the wedding. Luckily I was the understudy and the actual one made it because I need to work through the entire rehearsal. Still no complaint about the working environment;)

While regarding traveling advices, this is totally my personal option. The Hana road is overrated I think. You don’t have to drive the whole way to the end, which I did and met a lovely old couple - while grandpa playing violin for grandma while they were on picnic. Well that is totally separate. The drive alone, not worth it. Check out the Bamboo Forest and a couple of hidden waterfalls on the way are totally enough.

If you want to watch the sunrise with 10,000 under your feet, remember to make reservations. They could stop you from entering if you don’t have it unless you are super likable or the guard is having a great morning, which I won’t reply on. There are are also a lot of scuba diving and snorkeling places on the west coat of the island. A lot of resorts have their private ones as well. Just walk confidently in there. No one will stop you;)

9. Illinois


Chicago - Architecture Boat tour was fun to learn about all those new buildings while enjoying a hot beverage on the boat. Just remember not to do it during the cold months (September to March). Otherwise, you have to be prepared with a thick jacket and several hot beverages. I was not prepared but you should. I enjoyed the tour anyway.

Chicago will also dye the river green for the Saint Patrick’s Day. It is a lot of fun to visit at that time.

Visit the Tilt, check the city under your feet through those glass windows. While if you are a little scared and feel like throwing up of the height. Try not to eat at the cheesesteak factory downstairs before going up then. There does have a case when the glasses underneath cracked while some visitors were there. I cannot imagine what flew through their mind when that happened. But I heard everything was fine.

Two great Chinese restaurants from the northeast in the old China town. Pretty authentic. My friend took me there and I also taught her how to drive somehow during the process.

Last but not least, I remember parking was terrible in the city. Cars are used to take spots not for driving. Fortunately, housing is pretty affordable and public transportation is fairly convenient.

10. Texas


Dallas - My first impression of Dallas was from the Deloitte University training - a boot camp we did when we first join Deloitte Consulting. I remember Miranda’s sudden realization of the ‘Racist’ table - which turns out to be a total misunderstanding. The friendship came out of that Bootcamp and training are lifelong. (similar things happened during the O-week back in my undergraduate which makes me realize now that the Bootcamp thing is a great period/method to make lifelong friends and make memories- need to give a heads-up to my kids that they may meet their best friends during that time whether in school or at work)

The second trip to Dallas I was representing my company, hosting an event. People get drunk often in those conferences if you offer them an open bar. Sometimes you do not even need to offer. We got kicked out of the bar in the end so that was fun.

Houston - Houston in September is no fun. Humid as hell. Met two great friends and went to shoot clays, which turned out to be one of my great hobbies (ps: because I am good at it). I also remember bar hopping in Houston and drunk a lot of fireballs then a bunch of us watched a movie together in bean bags. What was that movie? I have no ideas now, not important.

Austin - I went to Austin twice. Both time I went to UT Austin to meet a great friend. We drove around to see yachts and mansions, swearing I will be rich like that and have a life like that in the future. Now I am still working towards that goal. We went to the sixth street and enjoyed rooftop bars. I watched my first F1 race in Austin as well, witness Hamilton winning that part and previous president Clinton, presenting the rewards.

San Antonio - I remember the Riverwalk and great Mexican food. It was Halloween and people dressed up, mostly like ghosts and the dead. I did not feel that impressed then but now I realize they may be celebrating a different Mexican holiday.

11. Nebraska


Omaha - it was cold in Omaha during the winter. But I was still pretty happy to go on my first business trip to Warren Buffet’s hometown. Stayed there for two weeks, made my first function design presentation. That’s when I found that I love travelling and even more I love business trips. I had a lot of take-outs at that time but did not explore much. Just remember they ship steaks out of Omaha in the airport and apparently it is really popular.

12,13,14,15. Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah


Yellowstone trip-ups and downs

We met Hujun - a Chinese TV star - and his family during our trip and take a group photo together. He was in one of the Reality shows《爸爸去哪儿》at that time so a lot of people recognize him. That experience taught me to be bold and expressive in what you want. Don’t overthink and just ask. The answer could be ‘No’ but it can also be ‘Yes’. Either way, I am being responsible to myself and ask for what I wanted.

Someone was killed by a bear because he/she went solo hiking and did something he/she should not. The bear has to be put down as well. sad. Nobody wins in this situation so please hike responsively.

One night, we stayed at a hotel with bed bugs and some of us have to sleep in the van instead. I guess we have that box checked.

We drove to Utah and visited the Salt Lake where Salt Lake City got its name from.

16,17. Kansas & Missouri


Topeka - Business tip to Topeka made me into a minority in such an inland state. I remember a client ran to me on my first day at the site and asked If I am Chinese and want to introduce me to her husband and let us hang out. It was a strange thing but understandable since there is not many Chinese here and the wife was just trying to get someone to hang out with the husband who is Chinese by the way.

There was not much to do so I took up boxing. Such an effective workout. I don’t think I have ever sweated like this before. Every session, I am hesitant to go but afterwards, I remember feeling exhausted but great - Seriously great. Not that kind of ‘great’ you say during a social conversation to make small talks. Now thinking of it, maybe I should pick it up again in the bay area.

Kansas City - Thursday night trip to Kansas City gave us some time to bound with colleagues. It was a lively city. On the way back, I remember that U-turn on the highway - reckless indeed but a logic move. I don’t want to drive another 40 miles because we missed our last exit

Another ‘fun’ memory was my first, second and third speeding tickets in Kansas, which takes me three years to pay cause the agent told me that I will not get a point on my record if I just pay the fine. (She lied and I paid for it, not to be so naive)

In addition, my experience of missing a flight for the first time was pretty fun. That will be another story to tell later.

18. Louisiana

New Orleans

New Orleans - “If you are not drunk by the early afternoon, you are not from here” - That says it all about the drinking culture of this ‘French’ town. If you feel hangover in the morning, just drink more.

Live musicians on the streets played all kinds of music, people get married and walk along the blocks, bars and live houses. Ghost and vampire tour; great brunch at a small family restaurants on the porch. I will not forget those tasty beignets we ordered twice in a row, which covered us in white sugar powders. When it is that good, you don’t care about being messy.

19. Florida


Orlando - I had a chance to do something that may change my life but I missed it or I should say I ignored it and did not treasure it. Airbnb here is not that expensive BTW. My impression of the city is that it is a place build around those amazement parks and that is it.

Miami - I want to come to Miami for the reason that one of the TV shows I love to watch during college is CSI Miami. The beginning of every episode it will show the Miami beach, that is why I drove all the way from Orlando to Miami by myself to see it.

Key West - that drive was like heaven. so blue/green on both sides. When I arrive there, after visiting the most south point of the North America and old house of Hemingway, I found a lovely restaurant by the ocean, ordered some drinks to watch people playing on the beach and waiting for the sunset. At night, I booked a hotel room which is literally 2b1b house that can host 8 people. I was there by myself binge-watching Criminal Minds

Tampa - next time to Florida was on a business trip to Orland for FInCon 2018. The final day, I rented a car and came to visit a friend in Tampa. We had great conversations about life. I miss that from a great friend.

20. Massachusetts


Boston - First time to Boston was to meet friends from school. One is leaving Boston to Beijing and another four just had babies. I realize people will move fast in their life no matter what and no matter who. They will enter the next stage and you need to realize that.

This trip I also learnt parking in Boston was not easy but the parking ticket was not that expensive. So you know what I did. Of course, I have to visit Harvard and MIT - two of my dream schools during my first trip.

Next time to Boston was before my Northeast Road trip in 2019. This time I also visited two great friends from college and graduate school. The impression this time is its great food.

21. Washington


Seattle - Glass museum next to the space needle. First Starbucks. Bubble gum wall. The University of Washington. I am being a total tourist during my first trip there and checked a lot of those places of interests.

I remember it was my weekend to go home from my Alaska business trip. Instead, I did an alternative trip to Seattle. I remember the Airbnb host was great. He was sorry about the heat went out in the room I booked and went ahead to bought me those warm blanket. He did not charge me for the room but I left him a good tip.

22. Alaska


Anchorage - Where I stayed for over 4 months. The morning walks from the hotel to work was refreshing and fun. It was not as cold as people imagined in Anchorage. The seafood here was great. I had great crabs, lobsters and sushis here. That lobster rolls and chicken noodle soup plus a bag of chips and a drink - perfect lunch that I can have it every day.

Fairbanks - different from Anchorage, Fairbank is very cold, also not as lively as Anchorage. You have to find a parking spot that you can plug in your car to keep the liquid in the car from freezing. They do have those stand all over the city and your rental car company will provide the connecting wire in the car as well.

In order to see the Northern light, you need to check the weather and northern light rating. If it is 3 and above, there is a higher chance that you can see it. Google the good spot to see the northern light and some cottage provide you with warm chocolate and you can also hang out and play games while you are waiting there. One trick I learnt is that always follow the camera crews, especially those who have those huge professional cameras. They know where the good spot is. Tips about waiting for the northern light - (1) Bring a blanket or several to keep you warm while you are waiting (2) Bring hot water or beverage (3) turn off your headlights if you are waiting in your car with the engine one - be considerate for people who are trying to observe.

Hot Spring & Ice Cave - There is a hot spring resort at the north end of Fairbank. The stay is a little pricy but it may worth a night while you are enjoying yourself in the hot tub and waiting for the northern lights. Initially, I thought I am going to see it while I am in the Spring but boy, Was I naive, there are so many fogs that you can bearly see the sky. But it is a good bath anyway. For solo travellers, make sure you have plenty of things to do or make some friends because the waiting could be a long time.

On-site they also have several Ice doms., where everything including beds, tables are made of ice. You can enjoy your ice martini with those Ice cups, which you can keep after to pour your own drinks. A stay in the ice dom with one of the ice bed could cost you around $600. They do provide sleeping bags and blanket to keep you warm at night. It could be a fun experience to try but I am not sure how much sleep you can get during that night.

Dog sledding - Every year, during March Alaska has its annual dog sledding competition. Not sure it is cross country or not but it is a long journey for those Alaskan Huskies. You can also try dog sledging while they are not competing. They will provide extra clothes, gloves and hats to keep you protected from the cold and snow. The place I visited has over 50 huskies have their individual small dog houses in the yard. The owner hand-picked 8 of them for our trip. They are all eager to run and be picked. Some of them do volunteer. That experience is fun and you also got to hang out with those amazing dogs.

23. Oregon


Salem - Had my last project from Deloitte here for 4 months. Make a couple of friends during that work as well. It is a peaceful little town on the west coast and the capital of Oregon. A lot of government workers and contractors are based here. As you may already know, Oregon together with the Washington state is famous for its rains. I fit in the lifestyle here pretty soon. I guess my love for rainy weather does help. Throw on a waterproof jacket and get on with your day. Sometimes I don’t even think about the weather and treat it as a normal thing that it always rains outside and you just need to get it going with whatever you are doing.

Portland - A place I keep coming back for its nice scenery views, cool vibes of the city, amazing friends who let me crash with them and give me a haircut occasionally as well as getting those tax free shopping. If I do decide to move to another chill city in the US, Portland is definitely on the top of my list.

24. Colorado


Denver - First time to Denver, I asked my Airbnb host what are places I should check out around here. He introduced me all the dispensaries around, lol. Interestingly from our conversation, I learnt that he was an early stage FB investors and made tons of money. He told me that you need to be bold when you see something you believe and act on it.

I also got the chance to see Andy Grammer’s concert here. Interesting story about my concert experience. Originally I just bought a last-minute cheap sit to be able to check out Andy’s performance. While in front of the Men’s room, a guy approached me and asked me if I want a VIP ticket? I thought he wanted to sell me tickets so I told him that I already got a ticket and I am alright. However, it turned out that he is just trying to give away a free VIP ticket since his sister cannot make it that night. What a nice man. He just gave me and ticket and got on with his night. For me, I had a blast being in the first row of the concert and enjoyed a great night. Well, I can say, the experience is way different if you watch a concert in the first row. I guess the lesson learnt here is for the concert and people you really want to see, spend the money and get a good seat.

25,26,27,28. Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina


Another trip I did with three other friends to visit one of my friend’s hometown in North Carolina. We flew to Nashville first and headed east on the way to check out a lot of cool places.

Nashville - a music centre for country music. Live house performance across the town. It gives me the feel of LA somehow but in a country music vibe.

Atlanta - Coca Cola Factory is totally worth visiting and try out all those flavors of coke around the world. After that, you probably don’t want to drink coke for a long time.

UNC and Purdue - One hobby of mine is to visit universities during my trips. These time we have some local to show us around UNC and Purdue. It was hot weather but we took our time checking out beautiful spots of the schools.

29. Arizona


Sedona - Meditation Trip

It was the first time I totally lost in my own thoughts on top of those mountains. People say it is due to those vertexes. Believe it or not, I just feel incredibly quiet. There were a lot of cars driving but during the process, I noticed none of them.

Arizona during summer is hot as you imagined. You can feel the sun burning your skin walking outside. Getting to Phoenix, the only thing I wanna do is to enjoy a nice cup of boba tea and stay in. I cannot imagine how I can live here.

30. New Mexico

New Mexico

This is a fun trip/Reunion with many friends from Hong Kong.

  • Albuquerque - Hot Air Balloon Festival in October make you feel like you are in Turkey. It is worth a trip to check it out. Make a reservation early and get up early that day to beat the traffic. Otherwise, you may end up stuck in the traffic for hours for that 1 mile we could walk since many roads will be blocked.

  • Santa Fe - a great place looks like 景德镇. A lot of statuses, arts and crafts.

  • White Sand Monument - from the name it is a white sand park, you can rent or borrow slides from hotels nearby or at the gate. Not as big as I imaged. Great place for group photos. We did our signature PolyU sign.

31,32,33, 34. Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma


Road trip after the startup went under. Sometimes things happen and not always the way you would have liked. My way of thinking through life crisis is to get on a trip and think things through. This time I took the twins with me on the trip. Well, some would say I am like a dad taking two daughters on a trip. I am not against that;)

I went to see the race car museum in Birmingham Alabama and taught a friend in Amsterdam case interview skills while driving. It brings all the good memories in Amsterdam back.

We checked out the home of Evils Paisley and Motown music centre - Memphis. Not surprisingly a lot of live music and tasty barbecue.

Little Rock Riverside is worth checking out. Too many birds and bird shits on the bridge though. There was also a piggy statue there, pretty good timing for us to celebrate the year of the pig. Later in the year, I came back to Arkansas for a personal business trip to check out some farm investment opportunities. I was surprised there was a non-stop flight from SFO to Fayetteville, AR. When I learnt that the Walmart Business Center is here, it all makes sense now.

35,36,37,38. South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin

South Dakota

Have you every hike in the snow with a high ever in Wisconsin during the winter? Well, I did. I also witness a lovely proposal along the bridge with this cute couple. Nowadays we see many proposals with a grand plan, choreographed dance, new tricks… Somehow this couple who does not need a crow or any tricks warm my heart. There is something about it that just brings me to true happiness for them.

Unexpectedly beautiful South Dakota - Apart from Mountain Rushmore, there is also a lot to South Dakoda. When the lake is frozen and covered in white snow with no touch. When you are able to live in a nice warm cabin next to that lake and enjoyed a nice meal? Yeah, the view is breathing taking and the feel is peaceful and out of the world. I wish I had someone to share that feeling and view with me but I did pretty well myself.

While for North Dakota, I have not many recommendations. I have no idea what I am gonna do. I arrived there on a Sunday morning. With nothing planned I just drove around the city and looked for something to do. What I got is a bunch of churns. Well, in that case, let’s go to churn and that is what I did. To be honest, this is the state I did for the list.

39. Iowa

Des Moines

Des Moine surprised me with a lot of Chinese connections. There are histories recorded about WW2 in the monument and a lot of Nanjing. There is a Chinese style architecture/temple near the botanic garden. Apparent the current Chairman of China came to study here before.

In downtown, there is a Walking Dead themed restaurant called the Zombie burger, pretty graphic. You can order a burger with human intestine shaped mac&cheese inside. Well, be careful, it is hot and fresh.

The Statue and architecture park is a nice spot to check out. and a great photo spot. Did I mention that I drove here from Arkansas for 6 hours? Yeah, that is what I do, lol.

40,41,42,43,44. Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont


Finally, Memorial day weekends are here. I got to go to Boston to visit one of my great friends from Hong Kong and another from Boston. I called this trip the Lobster road trip with two best friends. We tried every style of lobsters - boiled, the whole lobsters, homemade spicy marinated, lobster roll, lobster tacos, lobster pizza…

Portland Maine - we went to the Acadia national parking to hike and watch the sunset. The amazing view that reminds me of my trip to Maui. On top of the world feel, literally.

New Hampshire - A fun hike in the white mountains. We were pretty unsure about where we are going and after 1 hour decided to head back from the way we came from.

As I mentioned early, I love to check out universities during my trips so this time we went to Vermont - Dartmouth College, Rhode Island - Brown University, and Connecticut - Yale.

45. Kentucky


Kentucky Derby - All those triple crowns. Those horses are true athletes. This brings us to the old days with men in flashy suits and women in their fancy hats. It is an annual event with celebrities and famous people. I went on the tour to check out the history of the venue and learnt a ton about the event. I will have to come back with a look for the next Kentucky Derby and race for the roses.

46, 47 Indiana and Ohio


Indianapolis - Brickyard400. I kissed the bricks with over 100 years old history along the finish line of the race as every winner did.

Cincinnati - I made this an art trip to Cincinnati to check out museums and art gallery. It was a Sunday so a lot of them are free. I am not an artsy guy but I do love looking at creative and visually appealing stuff. Especially when the artists have put in so much thought and efforts. Run into a guy from Cleveland, who was by himself as well, enjoy the art as I did. Love those fun acquaintance and you can learn so much about a person and their experience. That is another fun part of solo travel.

48 Michigan


Detroit is not as sketchy as I heard. I spend one day working in the hotel while it was raining heavily outside so I guess I did not miss much. The next day when I got some rest, I went to see Ford Motors Factory. It turned out that Ford not only specialized in cars, they also did and are still doing airplanes, houses, manufacturing…In addition, I learnt that Ford was the designated car provider for the president’s car for many years. Among them, I get to see the one which President Kennedy got assassinated in.

49,50 West Virginia, Delaware

west virgina

West Virginia - “Country roads, take me home
To the place, I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads”

This song has been playing in my head since I get into the border of West Virginia. West Virginia gives me the feel of the old America that I used to see on TV before. People mowing their lawns during the day, a lot of American flags and everyone is focusing on their life, not worrying too much. At least that is what I got from travelling through two towns here. West Virginia also offers great sceneries, If you go to Berkeley Castle, you can see those mid-century statuses and next to it you can enjoy that amazing view. Don’t you want to live in a castle and live a life of that age? Well, I want to try it.

Delaware - Here we go, the final State of my 50-state trip. I was pretty exciting and a little exhausted after a long day of driving. Fortunately, it was the first Friday here. When I went to the contemporary art museum, there were a lot of artists gathering there, sharing their inspirations about their pieces. Nemours Estate is huge and you need to take shuttle buses and spend several hours here.

There we go, 6 years, 50 states. Embrace where life brings you and keep chasing the next adventure. It is a wonderful world, Isn’t it?!

Quote and Monologue of the Month - September 2019

Quote and Monologue of the Month - September 2019

Quote and Monologue of the Month - August 2019

Quote and Monologue of the Month - August 2019