

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Podcast Review 28: Someday is Not a Day in the Week

BZ Podcast Review 28: Someday is Not a Day in the Week

Key Takeaways

1. The happiness box. Fill the boxes with things in your day/life.

  • Box 1: What I am doing and I want to keep (Keep)

  • Box 2: What I am not doing and I want to start (Start)

  • Box 3: What I am doing and I want to stop (Stop)

  • Box 4: What I am not doing and I want to keep it that way (Clear)

2. For box 1 (Keep), what happens is that we get ‘busy’ or ‘lazy’ and then stop doing things in box 1 that makes us happy. The trick is to schedule what is #1. Put it on your calendar and stick to that calendar. Thus we don’t forget the things that make us happy and productive. e.g. my morning routine. which set me up for success for the day.

3. For box 2 (Start), give yourself a S.E.E (Significant Emotional Event), Reduce the risks, and Reframe what’s involved. e.g. if you want to sleep in to skip something or watch this TV instead of preparing for that real estate license exam, think will it matter a year from now that you slept one more hour or watched this amazing show?! Use your timeline thinking method to look back at yourself and the things you are doing. Start moving!

Give yourself a sense of urgency - ask how long does it take you to do this new thing you want to delay and how completing this new thing can help your life in the long run.

“We don’t know so we won’t go” - a lot of times, we won’t start the thing because we are not familiar with it however it should be “We go so we know” - we need to take the first step to ask around to understand this ‘strange’ thing, which may turn out to be super easy. The only way to know is to go.

4. For box 3 (Stop), If our boundaries do not have metrics, then they are not boundaries.

5. For box 4 (Clear), you are clear about what you don’t like and stop doing it. We don’t need more time, we don’t need more money, we just need to reframe what we want and what we need to do. Putting off what we want to do is a preventable path to regret.

6. When we say catalytic change, one things is about discipline, and one things is about changing your life. e.f e.g. throw out that TV and change your life.


Words of Wisdom

My happiness depends on me, so you are off the hook.
— Byron Katie
How we spend the day is, of course, how we spend our lives.
— Annie Dillard
I am not having a mid-life crisis, I am having a mid-life clarity.
— Sam Horn
The purpose of life is to find your gift. the meaning of life is to give it away.
— Pablo Picasso
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