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BZ Founder Review 01: Jack Dorsey - Twitter and Square

BZ Founder Review 01: Jack Dorsey - Twitter and Square

Founder Bio


Jack Patrick Dorsey - Founder of Twitter and Square.

DOB: November 19, 1976

Originally from: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.

Live in: San Francisco, California, U.S.

Education: New York University (dropped out)

Known for: Co-founding Twitter & Founded Square, Inc.

Salary:Square, Inc. $2.75 (2017) & Twitter $0 (2017)

Net worth: US$5.5 billion (January 2019)

Founder Quote

1. The hardest thing is to start. Everyone has ideas. What separates an entrepreneur and a dreamer is that the former take things into their hands and make it happen. When you have an idea, draw it out, program it (if you are a programmer) and execute it. Then the next challenge will be attracting people to do it with you.

2. An Idea that can change the course of the company can come from anywhere.

3. Expected the unexpected and whenever possible, be the unexpected.

4. You don’t have to start from scratch to do something interesting. You don’t have to start from scratch to have a massive impact on the world. You need to have an idea. You have to convince other people of those good ideas. And you have to push as quickly as possible.

Fun Facts

  • Jack was Interested in listening to emergency dispatches on a police scanner as a kid. It is one of the things that inspired him to create Twitter. (BZ View: Draw inspiration from daily life)

  • One of Jack’s motivation move is to take his employees to the Golden Bridge. In his opinion a good software should operate like a bridge - reliable and smooth.

  • He Used to die his hair blue and worked as a fashion model while he was much younger. (BZ view: Founders live their life in that moment, dare to try new things, no need to think too much cause none cares about you more than yourself)

Founder Interviews

Conversation With: Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO - From Channel NewsAisa

Jack Dorsey: The Future Has Already Arrived - From Stanford Graduate School of Business

Jack Dorsey's Top 10 Rules For Success - by Evan Carmichael

Jack Dorsey - Full Interview with Q&A - From Oxford Union

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