

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

Personal Development: Build My Career Capital and Skill Toolbox

Personal Development: Build My Career Capital and Skill Toolbox

Up until now, there has been a long time debate about whether AI will take over the world or take our jobs. When your Uber driver starts to make small talks with you on that, you know it is time to take it seriously and site down to think about what we should do. Whether this is true or not, it is better to get prepared and build our career capital. Here is my journey of stacking valuable and rare skills into my toolbox regardless of what will happen to the future relationship between human and AI. It is my journey of self-improvement and realization.

Manage yourself as if you are managing a company

What is the difference between developing and managing yourself and setting up and managing a company? Not much in my opinion. For a company, you need the following departments to effectively function and for your personal development, you need similar skillset to succeed in your professional and personal life.

Marketing: Branding or your personal brand. For me, the following things are what I want to be known for

  • Jack of All Trades: Be able to fill any seat in the the meeting room. Constantly and smoothly change roles in my mind and think from different perspectives. e.g. for the discussed topic, what will CFO care and what will CMO care. Be able to come up with questions in those angels.

  • Connected: Be the junction of human network. Be able to connect people and create win-win-win situation.

  • Treat life seriously: Enjoy life and treat it with respect. Dare to try new things that others only think about. Citizen of the world.

Finance: Build 7 streams of income and manage personal finance intelligently. Be able to spot business opportunity in every aspect of life.

  • I don’t put all eggs into the same basket. By building multiple streams of income, I can treat every opportunity in life more objectively and have more control over life itself. By focusing on passive income, I can build more agility of life and realize my dream of being a global citizen and get on a similar path as my idol - Tim Ferris

  • As my mom always tells me, I should be able to develop a businessman mentality and be able to see opportunities in front of me. When encountering a problem or facing a new situation, see what you can make out of it. Is it a business opportunity? This sounds a little capitalism. However you can expand it not only to business, but also to opportunities I can grab to improve personal life, relationship and etc.

Engineering: In this technical world, have a bunch of technical skills in my skillset is fundamental. My current goal is to become a manager/director of Data Scientists and Analysts.

  • Data Analytics: Be able to connect data and business insights, need to develop my personal model of thinking. For instance, for certain funnel in sales and marketing, what does it means. For certain way of churn, and growth, what can we expect.

  • Machine Learning: Understand all machine learning models, don’t have to know how to implement them but need to know them by heart. Know typical 3rd party tools like tensorflow, Amazon Sagemaker, SFDC lighting

  • BI: Understand and be able to construct data infrastructure. Be able to visualize dashboards.

  • Tools: Python, SQL, Tableau, Jasper Studio, JavaScript, Looker, Adwards, FB Manager, SEM/SEO

Product: The core of a person. Characters.

  • Confidence and Leadership: Develop Gravitas, don’t give a f**k, this kind of internal pride.

  • Discipline - Sharp and 1.2.3…Action

  • Take initiatives - Speak of my mind. If I want something, be vocal about it.

  • Self improvement - Real Books, Listen to podcasts, Learn online classes, Talk with people

Operations: How do I live each day to the fullest

  • Morning Routine:n 听说读写,身心

  • Focus Sessions: set up focus sessions during the day to conduct deep work. Put phones away.

  • Evening Session: Stretch and groom, reading, and one skill

Human Resource: Manage my relationship with people around me. I am the average of 5 people I closely hang out with.

  • Invest in networking. Treat it as a relationship instead of transaction. Going to events that are beneficial.

  • Be there for your friends for their good and bad moments in life.

  • Language: Kinds and Skills (German, Spanish, Japanese and Korean)

These are the six ‘departments’ I need to manage for myself. A periodical review is scheduled to make sure I am on track to achieve all those skills in life. Every month, this is a new month resolution to set up goals related to at least one of the goals

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