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Compliance Risk Management

Compliance Risk Management

1.Risk Categories for a Company

  • Strategic Risk: Risk from mistakes of strategic decisions.

  • Compliance Risk: Risk and loss from not in complaince with legal requirement

  • Operational Risk: operational activities fail to meet the goal

  • Financial Risk: Within certain period, the difference between the expected capital gain vs. actual capital gain

2. Compliance Risk

  • Corporate Management: Registration, Certification, and Administration

  • Business: Industry requirement, web security, information security, import and export, patterns, anti-bribery, competition, EHS and Commercial Law.

  • Operations: Labor law (Employment, Contracting, Visa, Personal Income Tax, PIC protection, Employee conduct), Tax

2.1. Potential Compliance Risk by Business Unit

  • Marketing: to avoid using extreme language in marketing materials. e.g. the best….

  • Sales: to avoid extreme languages or anything against competition law

  • Production and Delivery: to avoid ignoring the compliance and security requirement during manufacturing and project implementation.

  • R&D: Patents and IP Protection

  • Procurement: Bribery

  • HR: Interview Scam and Background Check

2.2. Major Compliance Risk and Mitigation

  1. Overseas Project PE (Permanent Establishment) Risk: if overseas delivery is over 183 days, need to pay 4% PE tax to local government.

    • Separate contract - Hardware and software - overseas HQ with client while local service and delivery side with client

    • Expat needs proper visa from local establishment

  2. Misleading commercial ads

    • Wording need to be objective and needs to go through audit

    • Control partnership messages

  3. Unlawful competition

    • Proper bidding process through company formal process

    • Avoid badmouthing competitors

    • Business information protection

  4. EHS (Environment, Health, Safety)

3. International Compliance

3.1. US Compliance

  • Export Control List

  • Department of Finance SDN list

  • FCPA

  • Department of Defense

3.2 Europe Compliance

  • Anti-corruption

  • Anti -monopoly

  • CE certificate

  • Data privacy

3.3. China Compliance

  • Criminal Law

  • Unfair Competition

  • Civil Code of PRC

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