

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

BZ Book Review 27 <Single Tasking> - Debora Zack

BZ Book Review 27 <Single Tasking> - Debora Zack

Key Takeaways

1. Our brain is not wired to multi-task.

  • It will cause your prefrontal cortex - the part of your brain which is in charge of complex thinking - to shrink.

  • It will cause your brain to release a stress hormone called cortisol

  • On the contrary, single-tasking can put you into the flow state: a state of complete immersion and focus.

2. How to avoid wandering

  • The trick is to always prioritize what is the most important to you in any situation and commit fully to that activity. Guide your mind back to that activity.

3. Single-tasking techniques

  • Clustering - group similar tasks together. e.g. you need to make several calls to solve different issues, group all those call activities together

  • Finish your day with tasks that demand physical activity.

  • Built-in flexibility within your schedule, like emergency doctors.

4. Single-tasking is the only way you can give people your full attention (RESPECT)

  • Active listening is a sign of respect. You are showing to your conversation partner that you value both him/her and this conversation. e.g. always put my phone away while I am meeting someone. If I have to check my phone, say excuse me.

5. Take a break to recharge.

  • Not just take a break from work, take a break from being always available.

  • Single-tasking helps you become immersed at the moment, leasing to a happier and more balanced life.

6. Cut the fat from your everyday tasks. Focus on the essentials.

Quote and Monologue of the Month - February 2020

Quote and Monologue of the Month - February 2020

Quote and Monologue of the Month - January 2020

Quote and Monologue of the Month - January 2020