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Do You Know the Meaning of Your National Flag?

Do You Know the Meaning of Your National Flag?


1. China

中华人民共和国国旗,即五星红旗,为左上角镶有五颗黄色五角星的红色旗帜,旗帜图案中的四颗小五角星环绕在一颗大五角星右侧呈半环形。 红旗象征革命,大五角星代表共产党,其余4颗小五角星分别代表工人階級、農民階級、城市小資產階級和民族資產階級。 象征着团结在中国共产党领导下的新中国。

The national flag of the People's Republic of China is a five-star red flag with a red flag and a length to width ratio of 3:2. On the upper left, there are five yellow five-pointed stars. The four small stars are arched to the right of a large star, and each has a corner point facing the center of the big star.

The red color symbolize revolution. There are five yellow five-pointed stars on the left side of the flag, which symbolize the revolutionary unity under the leadership of the Communist Party. The star symbolize the light on the red earth with yellow. The big start represents the communist party and the four little stars represent four major classes in China.

2. Korea

大韓民國國旗,又名太极旗(朝鮮語:태극기/太極旗 Taegeukgi),是大韩民国标志性旗帜和国家象征。太极旗长宽比例为3:2,由白色底,蓝红两色太极图和乾、坤、坎、离四卦组成。1949年3月25日,韩国文教部审议委员会在确定国旗时对太极旗的解释是白色代表着大地;中间蓝色和红色的太极两仪分别代表着阴阳;左上角的乾代表着天、春、东、仁;右下角的坤代表着地、夏、西、义;右上角的坎代表着水、秋、南、礼;左下角的离代表火、冬、北、智。

The Republic of Korea flag , also known as the Tai Chi flag, is the symbolic flag and national symbol of the Republic of Korea . The Taiji flag has a length to width ratio of 3:2. It consists of a white bottom, a blue-red two-color Taiji diagram, and a dry , kun , kan , and four-story. On March 25, 1949, the Korean Culture and Education Committee’s interpretation of the Taiji flag in the determination of the national flag was white representing the earth; the middle blue and red Taiji instruments represented yin and yang ; the upper left corner represents the sky, Spring, East, and Ren; Kun in the lower right corner represents the earth, summer, west, and righteous; the ridge in the upper right corner represents water, autumn, south, and ritual; the lower left corner represents the fire, winter, north, and wisdom。


3. Vietnam

越南國旗的名稱是「金星紅旗」(越南语:Cờ đỏ sao vàng/旗𣠶𣋀黃),自1955年11月30日開始採用。國旗的長寬比例為2:3,中心是一顆黃色五角星(金星)標誌越南共產黨的領導地位,紅色表示革命和勝利。五角星的五個角分別表示工人、農民、士兵、知識份子和青年。

The flag has a length to width ratio of 3:2. The center is a golden five-pointed star , marking the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam). Red indicates revolution and victory. The five corners of the five-pointed star represent workers, peasants, soldiers, intellectuals, and youth.

4. Philippines

菲律宾共和国(The Republic of The Philippines)国旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2:1。靠旗杆一侧为白色等边三角形,中间是放射着八束光芒的黄色太阳,三颗黄色的五角星分别在三角形的三个角上。旗面右边是红蓝两色的直角梯形,两色的上下位置可以调换。平时蓝色在上,战时红色在上。太阳和光芒图案象征自由;八道较长的光束代表最初起义争取民族解放和独立的八个省,其余光芒表示其他省。

The Republic of The Philippines has a rectangular cross-country shape with a length to width ratio of 2:1. On the side of the flagpole is a white equilateral triangle with a yellow sun radiating eight rays in the middle, and three yellow five-pointed stars on the three corners of the triangle. On the right side of the flag is a red and blue right-angled trapezoid, and the upper and lower positions of the two colors can be exchanged. Usually the blue is on, and the red is on the war. The sun and the ray pattern symbolize freedom; the eight long beams represent the eight provinces that were originally uprising for national liberation and independence, and the rest of the light represents other provinces.


5. Malaysia



The 14 red and white equal width bars originally represented the 14 states of the country when Malaysia was founded. Since Singapore became independent in 1965, it also represented the equal relationship between 13 states and the federal government. Red symbolize the spirit of courage and perseverance when the people face challenges. White symbolize the purity and nobleness of the people. Blue symbolize the unity, harmony and harmony of the people. The crescent moon pattern symbolize Islam as a federal religion in Malaysia. The four-pointed star, also known as the "Federal Star", symbolize the unity and unity of the thirteen states of Malaysia with the federal government. Yellow symbolize the color of the royal family.

6. Belgium



The Belgian flag is rectangular, with a ratio of length to width of 15:13. The flag is composed of three parallel vertical rectangles of black, yellow and red from left to right.

The black flag is a solemn and memorable color, commemorating the heroes who died in the 1830 War of Independence; the yellow symbolizes the wealth and harvest of the country; the red symbolizes the life and blood of the Patriots, and symbolizes the great victory of the War of Independence





Switzerland is one of the only two countries in the world with a square flag. The other country with a square flag is the Vatican, and the national flag is the red cross.

White symbolize peace, justice and light. Red symbolize the people's victory, happiness and enthusiasm; the entire group of flags symbolize the unity of the country. This flag was revised in 1889, and the original red cross and white crosses were changed to squares, symbolizing the fair and neutral policy adopted by the state in diplomacy.

South Africa

南非国旗. 长宽之比为3:2。由红、绿、蓝、白、黑、黄六种颜色组成,呈Y形。旗面上区为红,下区为蓝,各占旗宽的三分之一,红色代表鲜血,蓝色代表天空。旗面中央是一横Y形三色条,占旗宽的三分之一,象征着聚合不同的南非民族,共同发展,一起走向今后的道路。用来区隔红区、蓝区和连接旗杆罩布处的黑色三角形,黑色代表黑人。三色条的中间色为绿色,宽度占旗宽的五分之一,代表土地,绿色的两侧各有金色和白色,各占旗宽的十五分之一,金色代表金子,白色代表白人。

The national flag is rectangular and the ratio of length to width is 3::2. It consists of six colors of red, green, blue, white, black and yellow, and is Y-shaped. The flag area is red and the lower area is blue. Each accounted for one-third of the flag width, red for blood and blue for sky. At the center of the flag is a horizontal Y-shaped three-color strip, which accounts for one-third of the flag width. It symbolize the aggregation of different South African nationalities, common development, and a path toward the future. Used to separate the red, blue, and black triangles attached to the flagpole cover, black for blacks. The middle color of the three-color strip is green, and the width is one-fifth of the width of the flag, representing the land. The sides of the green are golden and white, each occupying one-fifth of the width of the flag. Gold represents gold and white represents white.

South Africa_Flag


新加坡国旗,又称星月旗。 国旗由红、白两个平行相等的长方形组成,左上角有一弯白色新月以及五颗白色小五角星。红色代表了平等与友谊,白色象征着纯洁与美德。新月表示新加坡是一个新建立的国家,而五颗五角星代表了国家的五大理想:民主、和平、进步、公正、平等。

The Singapore flag , also known as the Xingyue Banner。The Singapore flag consists of two parallel rectangles , red and white, with a curved white crescent moon and five white small five-pointed stars in the upper left corner. Red represents equality and friendship, and white symbolizes purity and virtue. The new moon indicates that Singapore is a newly established country, and the five five-pointed stars represent the country's five ideals: democracy , peace , progress , justice , and equality。



The flag of the Republic of Indonesia consists of two equal horizontal rectangles, red and white, with a ratio of length to width of 3:2. Red symbolizes courage and justice. It also symbolizes the prosperity of Indonesia after independence. White symbolizes freedom, justice and purity. It also expresses the good wishes of the Indonesian people against aggression and peace.



泰国国旗 (泰语:ธงไตรรงค์,三色旗的意思)是一面三色旗,由红-白-蓝-白-红五条横带组成,蓝带比红白带宽一倍。红色象征国民,白色原指南传佛教,后泛指宗教,蓝色则意指王室。

The Thai flag ( Thai : ธงไตรรงค์, tricolor) means a tricolor flag consisting of red-white-blue-white-red five horizontal bands, and the blue band is twice as wide as red and white. The red symbolizes the national, the white original guides Buddhism , the latter refers to religion, and the blue refers to the royal family

United Arab Emirates

阿拉伯联合酋长国(The United Arab Emirates)国旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。由红、绿、白、黑四色组成,这四色是泛阿拉伯颜色,代表穆罕默德后代的几个王朝。旗面靠旗杆一侧为红色竖长方形,右侧是三个平行相等的横长方形,自上而下分别为绿、白、黑三色。红色象征祖国,绿色象征牧场,白色象征祖国的成就,黑色象征战斗。

The United Arab Emirates flag is a horizontal rectangle with a length to width ratio of 2:1.

It consists of four colors: red, green, white and black. These four colors are pan-Arab colors and represent several dynasties of the descendants of Muhammad. The flag side is a red vertical rectangle on one side of the flagpole, and three parallel horizontal rectangles on the right side, which are green, white and black from top to bottom. The red symbolizes the motherland, the green symbolizes the pasture, the white symbolizes the achievements of the motherland, and the black symbolizes the battle.

nited Arab Emirates——Flag



The Indian flag was officially used in 1947. It is an orange, white and green flag with a blue French wheel in the white stripes.

The three colors of orange, green and white are the symbols of Hinduism, Islam and other religions; they are arranged horizontally and have the profound meaning of "great religions."



The Dutch flag is rectangular in shape with a length to width ratio of 3:2. From top to bottom, it is composed of three parallel horizontal rectangles of red, white and blue. Blue indicates that the country faces the ocean and symbolizes the happiness of the people; white symbolizes freedom , equality and democracy. It also represents the simple character of the people; red represents the victory of the revolution.




Australian flag: rectangular, with a ratio of length to width of 2:1. Dark blue flag. The upper left corner is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland flag, indicating the traditional relationship between the Australian Federation and the United Kingdom. There is a British rice flag on the upper corner of the flagpole. There is a white seven-pointed star on the lower side of the flagpole. The big seven-pointed star symbolizes the six states and federal districts that make up the Commonwealth of Australia. The rest have four larger white seven-pointed stars and a smaller white five-pointed star, representing the Southern Cross constellation over the Pacific Ocean.




From the left to the right, the flag is composed of three parallel vertical rectangles of green, white and red: the Mexican part is painted in the middle of the white part.

Green symbolizes independence and hope, white symbolizes peace and religious belief, red symbolizes the unity of the country, and in the middle is the emblem of the national emblem. A eagle with a snake stands on a cactus, and its content comes from legends about Mexican history.




The Argentine flag is the national flag of "three horizontals and two colors". The top and bottom are blue, the central part is white, and a 32-ray sun is added. The sun ("May Sun") consists of 16 waves. It consists of 16 lines and the length and width of the flag is 5:8.

The flag is composed of three parallel equal rectangles of sky blue, white and sky blue from top to bottom. The sky blue symbolizes justice, white symbolizes faith, purity, integrity and nobleness.



The flag is green, the center is yellow diamond, and the center of the diamond is the blue sky ball. The celestial sphere is divided into upper and lower parts by an arched leucorrhea, with the words "order and progress" in Portuguese written in green. Both green and yellow represent the colors of Brazil. Green symbolizes the dense jungle of Brazil's territory, and yellow symbolizes rich mineral resources. The lower half of the celestial sphere represents the southern hemisphere sky. The celestial sphere features twenty-seven stars centered on the Southern Cross, representing the capital and twenty-six states.




The Spanish flag (Spanish: Bandera de España ), also known as "blood and gold", the flag is composed of three parallel rectangles, the middle yellow, half of the flag, and two equal red rectangles on the upper and lower sides. The yellow part is marked with the Spanish national emblem on the left.



The Danish flag is also known as " Danibl " ( Danish : Dannebrog), meaning " Danish flag" or "red flag". The Danish flag is the oldest and oldest of the flags still in use today and is known as the “Danish power”. It is rectangular and has a ratio of length to width of 37:28. The flag is red, with a white cross on the flag, slightly to the left.




The Norwegian flag is rectangular in shape with a length to width ratio of 11:8. The red flag is painted with a blue-white cross on the left side. Norway was ruled by Denmark , and the origin of the flag cross is the same as the cross of the Danish flag . Blue, white and red symbolize freedom and independence. There are two kinds of national flags, government agencies hoist the dovetail national flag, and other occasions hang the above-mentioned horizontal rectangular flag.



The Finnish flag (Finnish: Siniristilippu, meaning "blue cross flag"), the flag is rectangular, the ratio of length to width is 18:11. The background of the flag is white, and the cross-shaped blue wide strip on the left side divides the flag into four white rectangles. The white flag symbolizes the land covered with snow, and the blue symbolizes lakes, rivers and oceans (the other symbolizes the blue sky).



瑞典国旗的历史可追溯至16世纪, 国旗为蓝色,黄色十字略向左侧。左边上下两个相等的蓝色长方形的边长比例各为4/5,右边的蓝色长方形比例各为4/9(高/阔)。黄带的阔度为旗帜的1/5。含义就是:从天而降的十字旗。

The Swedish flag , the flag of the Kingdom of Sweden , was officially enacted on June 22, 1906. In 1157, the Swedish King Eric IX prayed to God before expedition to Finland , suddenly seeing the light of the golden cross across the blue sky. According to this legend, the blue gold cross and the blue gold crown symbol became the national symbol of Sweden. It is also said that the Golden Cross is a golden cross from the Swedish House of Folkung and is designed with a blue base.



The Russian flag, the Russian Federation flag, uses the traditional Pan-Slavic color . The flag is composed of three parallel and equal horizontal rectangles, which are white, blue and red from top to bottom. The white in the flag represents the snowy season of the cold belt , the blue represents the sub-frigid zone , and it symbolizes Russia's rich underground minerals and natural resources such as forests and water . Red is a symbol of temperate zone and symbolizes Russia's long history and human civilization. Contribution.




The Japanese flag, the official name is the Japanese-Japanese flag (Ping 仮: にっしょうき, Roman sound nisshōki), the common name in Japan is "日の丸" (平仮名:ひのまる, hinomaru). On the flagpole, a red sun is centered, reflecting the white flag, white symbolizes sacredness , peace , purity and justice , while red symbolizes sincerity , enthusiasm , vitality and fraternity .



The German flag is rectangular, with a ratio of length to width: 5:3. The flag is composed of three parallel horizontal rectangles of black, red and gold from top to bottom. Black and red gold is the color that the German nation loves. The three primary colors black, red, gold, and black, white, and red all have important significance in German history, and often have different interpretations. Now Black, Red, and Gold represent the Republican democracy system after World War II, and now the German Federation and the Free Union: not only the freedom of Germany, but also the democratic freedom of the German people.



法国国旗是一面从左至右蓝、白、红色垂直排列的三色旗。法国人称之为:le drapeau tricolore(“三色旗”)le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge(蓝白红旗)le drapeau de la France(法国国旗)有时也叫le tricolore,口头称作les couleurs。三色旗曾是法国大革命的象征,后来三色代表着法国的国家格言自由、平等和博爱

The French flag is a tricolor flag that is arranged vertically from left to right in blue, white and red. The French call it: le drapeau tricolore ("tricolor flag") le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge ( blue and white flag ) le drapeau de la France (French flag) sometimes called le tricolore, verbally called les couleurs.

The Tricolor was once a symbol of the French Revolution, and later the three colors represented the French national motto freedom, equality and fraternity.



The Italian flag, also known as the Italian tricolor flag, consists of three parallel equal vertical rectangles, from left to right in green, white and red, and the national anthem Il Canto degli Italiani (also known as Fratelli d'Italia) ) Together became a symbol of the Italian nation.

Green = the flag of the Principality of Milan, the image of which is the green bottom plus the double-headed snake logo.

White = Sicily Kingdom, the image is a white background with the Sicilian three-legged leg logo.

Red = Venetian city state, the image is the red bottom and the Saint Mark lion logo.



加拿大国旗称为枫叶旗,法文叫做单叶。国旗本身是由红白二色组成。中间的白色代表的是加拿大广阔无垠的国土,两侧的红色代表的是东西两岸相邻的大西洋及太平洋。中间的红色枫叶则是象征生活在加拿大富饶国土上辛勤努力的人民 。

The Canadian flag is called the Maple Leaf Flag, and the French name is Single Leaf. The national flag itself is composed of red and white. The white in the middle represents the vast expanse of Canada, with red on both sides representing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans adjacent to the east and west. The red maple leaf in the middle is a symbol of the people who have worked hard on Canada's rich land.

United States

这面旗帜俗称“星条旗”(Stars and Stripes)、中文俗稱「花旗」,正式名稱「合众国旗」(The Flag of the United States)。合众国国旗旗面由13道红白相间的宽条构成,左上角还有一个包含了50颗白色小五角星的藍色長方形。50顆小星代表了美國的50個州,而13条間紋则象征着美国最早建国时的13個殖民地。紅色象征勇气,白色象征真理,蓝色則象征正义。

The American flag, English is the Star-spangled banner, the national flag of the United States of America, the flag is composed of 13 red and white wide strips, and the upper left corner has a blue rectangle containing 50 white small five-pointed stars. Fifty small stars represent the 50 states of the United States, and 13 interstitials symbolize the 13 colonies that were first established in the United States.


United Kingdom


英国国旗,正式称呼是“the Union Flag",也常常称为“the Union Jack"。英国国旗上的十字综合了原英格兰(白地红色正十字旗)、苏格兰(蓝地白色交叉十字旗)和北爱尔兰(白地红色交叉十字旗)的旗帜标志。现国旗的白边红色正十字代表英格兰主保圣人-圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰主保圣人-圣安德烈,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰主保圣人-圣帕特里克。

The British flag consists of a blue background, white and red crosses, so it is like the rice in Chinese, which is called the "mi-flag" in Chinese.

The British flag, officially known as "the Union Flag", is often referred to as "the Union Jack." The cross on the British flag combines the flags of the original England (white red cross flag), Scotland (blue cross white cross flag) and Northern Ireland (white red cross cross flag). The red cross of the white flag of the current flag represents the English saint-St. George , the white cross cross represents the Scottish saint St. Andrew , and the red cross represents -Irish sage Saint Patrick.

Picture Credit: @英国那些事儿

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