

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

Book Review 24: <The Path Made Clear> by Oprah Winfrey

Book Review 24: <The Path Made Clear> by Oprah Winfrey

Key Takeaways

1. Find the Pattern and Uncover Your Purpose

Everyone is born with a purpose. To find it, we need to pay more attention to ourselves and surroundings. Life speaks to us in whispers. It often gives us sign either internally or externally about changes that gonna happen or things you should be doing. Find the pattern and listen to those whispers.

“I don’t believe in coincidence. I know there is a divine order to the magnificent mystery of our lives” - Oprah

2. You Need to Take Action In the Face of Fear.

Fear is an intrinsic part of realizing our dreams. Inaction is the wrong reaction to fear. With every dream come a shadow of resistance. The bigger the dream is the bigger the resistance will be. Nothing good in life comes easy. When you feel fearful doing something, it may also told you that you are on to something.

3. Find the Flow and Focus on What You Want to be Remembered for.

To achieve our goals, we must find our flow. Here are the two techniques to get into the flow

  • Wholehearted intention. 100% in.

“You are not your circumstance - you are your possibilities” - Oprah

  • Deep listening. be of service to people.

“People won’t remember what you said or what you did, however they will definitely remember how you make them feel” - Maya Angelo

Questions to think everyday: what do I want my legacy to be? in other words, what do I want to be remembered for. If we focus on this, material wealth and success fade in importance.

The truest measure of success is living out the truth of who you are. How people manage their wealth reflects the way they view themselves.

Quote and Monologue of the Month - May 2019

Quote and Monologue of the Month - May 2019

Choose a Business That Fits Your Personality

Choose a Business That Fits Your Personality