

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

Quote and Monologue of the Month - April 2019

Quote and Monologue of the Month - April 2019

1. If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain.

2. We only do this on Mondays cause Friday does not deserve all the attention

3. Go big or go home, either way, do it in a great pair of shoes

4. Figure out who you are and do it on purpose

5. In life the difference between winning and losing are all in the details

6: Bucket-list: use your most valuable resources to do the most important things in life.

7. “Is life always this hard, is it just when you’re a kid?” - “Always like this” - Leon: The Professional

8. “I have been waiting my whole life. I just don’t know what the hell for.” - The Terminal

9. “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once a while, you could miss it.” - 《春天不是读书天》

10. “撒谎是人之本性,在大多数时间里,我们甚至都不能对自己诚实。”=《罗生门》

11. “I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone” - <Lord of the Ring>

12. “因为其他人都如此无趣,因为你如此与众不同。“ - 《科学睡眠》

13. “拉下操纵杆扭断你脖子的人,只会是一个冷漠的人,而这份冷漠,正是争议最核心的本质。如果缺失了这份冷漠,争议就很难得以伸张。-《八恶人》

14. “酒要一口一口地喝,路要一步一步的走,步子迈得太大,容易扯着蛋。” - 《让子弹飞》

15. “Maybe we can take death to go to the star and to die peacefully of old age would be to go there on foot” - 《至爱梵高 星空之谜》

16. “ We are not here because we are free; we are here because we are not free.” - <The Matrix>

17. “说好的一辈子,少一年,一个月,一天,一个时辰,都不是一辈子” - 《霸王别姬》

18. The closer you are to death, the more you realize you are alive - 《冰峰168小时》

19. When I was young, I want to be anyone but myself - <Mary and Max>

20. Great men are not born great, they grow great. - <The God Father>

21. Whether you succeed or you fail, the most important thing is to have tried. A parent can only drive you in the right direction. In the end though, you’ve got to run for yourself. - 《葬礼上的死亡》

22. Most of all I’am just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. - Notinihill

23. If it was never new, and it never gets old, then it’s a folk song - 《醉乡民谣》

24. If you don’t have ability, you wind up playing in a rock band - 《爆裂鼓手》

25. Things to remember: if we’re all alone, then we’re all together in that too. - M<PS: I love you>

26. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world - 《跳出我天地》

27. Childhood is measured out by sounds, smells, and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows - 《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》

28. “When humans were young, they were pushed around in strollers. When they were old, they were pushed around in wheelchairs. In between, they were just pushed around.” – Tom Robbins

29. “No, that is the great fallacy: the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise. They grow careful.” – Ernest Hemingway

30. “It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.” – Andy Rooney

— 《寒食日即事》 - 韩翃
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