

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, investmnet, and journey of becoming financial independence. Getting busy (BZ) in FIRE style!

Memory Makes Money

Memory Makes Money

Key Takeaways

1. People always say “Knowledge is power” However the fact is knowledge is only the potential of power, how you retain it and use it can give you power.

2. “I forgot” is the most costly words in business.

3. There is a learning curve and a forgetting curve. Remember to do periodical reviews within 24 hours, 48 hours, a week, a month and half a year then the knowledge is yours to use.

4. The trick to remember people’s names - MOM

M - Motive, ask yourself what you are remembering the name or things for; care about people

O - Observe; be present with people

M - Mechanics; the skills and tricks about learning

5. Leaders are readers; reading slowly will slow down your progress. like Warren Buffet said, “If I can read faster, I could have saved 10 years of my life”. The biggest advantage of current entrepreneurs is that you can read and learn about others’ lifetime experience in a couple of hours.

6. “Common sense is not common practices” - You know it is not enough, you need to make sure you do it.

7. 3H - head, heart, and hands

8. Focus is a muscle, memory is a multiplier

9. The powerful present comes from being powerfully present with people

10. Listen -> Silent

11. 10 keys to improve your memory

  • Diet - brain diet

  • Killing the ANTs (automatic negative thoughts), your self-talk will come true so stay positive.

  • Exercise - as your body moves, your brain moves

  • Supplements .- DHA

  • Positive peer boosts - mirror neurons make you unconsciously mirror others’ behaviour so make sure to hang out with the right crowd. e.g. hanging out with 9 poor people will make you the 10th poor people; hanging around with 5 successful people, you will become the 6th.

  • Clean Environment

  • Sleep

  • Brain protection

  • Schedule time to learn and read

  • Stress management

12. Morning routine

Dos: Focus on jump-start my brain

  • Wake up and get up immediately

  • Drink a tall glass of water with supplements

  • Make the bed

  • Walk the dog while express gratitude (think what if when you wake up tomorrow, all you have is what you express gratitude today), slow down, fresh air and make the blood moving

  • Exercise - Brain teaser about probability, recall articles, consulting framework, reviews and learning from the day before…

  • Practice one paragraphs of talking a day

  • Exercise and gym (even it is 10 mins or 15 mins)

  • Meditate and pray

  • Cold shower to reset your system

  • Listening to podcast and audiobook

  • Do things difficult and challenging (if you do difficult things, your life will be easier; vice verse)

  • Read one book summary a day

  • Write down a blog summary a day

  • Breakfast and supplements


  • Touch your phone in the first hour of wake up. It will rewire your brain to focus on distraction.

13. Self-believe: the bird knows he can fly not because of his trust in the branches, it is his belief in his wings.

14. You can to learn something fast, teach and learn it twice.

“People won’t remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel” - Maya Angelou

Two Ways to Evaluate an Investment: Cap Rate and IRR

Two Ways to Evaluate an Investment: Cap Rate and IRR

Costs That You May Missed While Investing In Rental Properties

Costs That You May Missed While Investing In Rental Properties